December 12: „The Paris Agreement will be accepted,“ French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius announced at a meeting on Saturday evening. The Paris Agreement between 195 countries commits to setting a two-degree limit for rising global temperatures, but makes the 1.5-C target an ambitious (if not binding) target. Although the agreement is considered legally „binding“, no specific target is set for the participating countries. How much damage is there? The developing countries of the summit, especially the island states, which fear that climate change will destroy their communities with rising sea levels and unpredictable weather conditions, wanted to commit to the agreement to provide financial support for climate-related „loss and damage“. Canada, which supported the United States, sought to ensure that any loss and damage provision would prevent nations from suing each other in the style of tobacco. In assessing public policy options, governments can accept that there is now broad consensus within the scientific community that the global climate has warmed over the past century and that human activity is likely to make a contribution, but the magnitude of both and their effects on the biosphere are discussed as vividly as people`s ability to control climate change. On the one hand, there are scientists, alarmists, who are satisfied that we understand enough human influences on climate change to justify urgent and costly action. On the other hand, there are scientists, skeptics, who represent a wide range of points of view and disciplines. Some accept that the climate is changing, but are not convinced that we know enough about the anthropogenic dimension to justify the action of the state; Others think that the human dimension is trivial. People read the Paris agreement after French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius announced the final draft at the COP21 climate conference in Le Bourget, north of Paris, on December 12, 2015. The United States formally left the Paris climate agreement on November 4, nearly three years after President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal from the international agreement. President-elect Joe Biden has promised to return to office the day he takes office.
In re-signing with the Kyoto Protocol, Harper signalled Canada`s intention to re-establish an important principle of Canadian foreign policy: Canada takes its contractual commitments very seriously. The Christian government`s position on international climate treaties, as essentially political rhetoric, had challenged this principle.
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