A small Google search can give you the Word model for each newspaper. However, why do you need a Word template if you can write your entire manuscript on Typeet, automatically format it according to journal of Diabetes rules and the rules of its complications, and download the same in Word, PDF and LaTeX formats? Try us!. Submit the manuscript online to www.scholarscentral.org/submission/diabetic-complications-medicine.html or send to the editor under [email protected] peer review This journal handles a single anonymized review process. All articles are first checked by the publisher for their fitness for review. Documents deemed appropriate are then usually sent to at least two independent reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the document. The publisher is responsible for the final decision to accept or refuse articles. The publisher`s decision is final. Publishers are not involved in decisions about documents they have written themselves, written by family members or colleagues, or that relate to products or services that the publisher has an interest in. This filing is subject to all the usual procedures of the review, the peer review being carried out independently of the publisher concerned and its research groups.
More information on the types of peer review. Changes to the author authors are expected to carefully review the list and order of the authors before submitting their manuscript and providing the final list of authors at the time of the initial submission. Any addition, deletion or re-listing of authors` names should not take place until the manuscript has been adopted and only if it has been approved by the journal`s publisher. To request such a change, the publisher must receive from the author concerned: (a) the reason for changing the list of authors and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, letter) of all authors they agree to add, withdraw or relocate. If authors are added or deleted, this includes confirmation of the author who is added or deleted. Only in exceptional cases will the publisher consider adding, deleting or reorganizing the authors after the adoption of the manuscript. While the publisher reviews the application, the publication of the manuscript is suspended. If the manuscript has already been published in an online edition, all applications approved by the publisher result in a corrigendum. Ethics in publication Please visit our information pages on ethics in publishing and ethical guidelines for journal publications. Informed Consent and Patient Details Patient studies of patients or volunteers must be approved by the ethics committee and informed consent that must be documented in the document. Permissions and corresponding permissions must be obtained if an author wishes to include in a Elsevier publication details of cases or other personal information or images of patients and others.
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