3.2 Refund. The company undertakes to reimburse consultants for any truly reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to consulting services. These expenses include, among other things, travel expenses (e.g. B the fare of the flight, the hotel, temporary accommodation, meals, car parks, taxis, mileage, etc.), phone calls and postal charges. The costs incurred by the advisor are reimbursed by the company within 15 days of the councillor`s written request. 1.2 Time and availability. The advisor will devote hours per month to the performance of services to the company, as stated here in this book. The advisor is free to choose the dates and times at which he provides such consulting services during the month, taking due account of the needs of the company. If the company feels it is necessary for the advisor to provide more than hours in a month, the advisor is not required to do this work until the advisor and the company have agreed to a rate of pay.
[The time spent can be hours a day, a week or a year. The company may also choose to pay a flat monthly fee, regardless of hours, but the company must be careful for this approach.] 2.3 Benefits. Consultants and consultants are not entitled to a pension, health, well-being or other ancillary benefits plan for the company and are not involved. The company that covers the consultant`s staff does not take out the insurance of the work allowance. The Advisor acknowledges that the provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this agreement are reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the company, proportionate in terms of scope and duration and are not overly restrictive. The Advisor also acknowledges that a violation of one of the provisions of Articles 5, 6 or 7 of this agreement will cause irreparable harm to society and that legal protection for breach is insufficient and that, therefore, the company is entitled to demand any fair, but not limited, exemption from termination assistance, and any other remedies available under the legislation or agreement between the parties. The Advisor recognizes that the approval of the harm caused to the business is not a court of order by the protection of the omission. Damages and claims for omission are appropriate remedies and should not be considered alternative remedies. If you`re the consultant, you`ll probably want to make sure you`re paid for your work and you won`t have to do more work than you expected.
A written agreement that will pay for the details of the work you need to do, when the work is completed, what will be delivered and how much and when you are expected, is essential to ensure that you are not on the head of a project. 1.1 Services. The company entrusted Consultant with the provision of services related to the [merger of the project or activity of the company]. Councillor is an advisor [summary of services to be provided to consultants], and the other services described in Schedule A (together, „advice services“). Most orientation contracts are structured as a master`s contract with a declaration of work. The company and the advisor can then make a work statement for each project. The framework contract will respect the obligations that apply to all work instructions, confidentiality, ownership, guarantees and liability. The different working instructions detail the conditions that apply to each specific project, for example. B project details, delivery plan, milestones, delivery items, payment amounts and schedule, and acceptance criteria.
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