The BPN has therefore recognized its rights as an Indonesian to keep the estate, as it is transferred by our post-nup that they signed during the marriage. This is obviously very good news for married couples who do not have a marital agreement in Indonesia. I think that even without Prenup, couples can thrive when it comes to owning the domain, and I can say that our post-nupes have certainly been enriched with the latest developments. Cekindo can help you know your rights and how to protect your interests. Our experienced legal advisor is pleased to assist you in the development of a post-nup agreement. First of all, a post-up is not a backdated prenup. It is signed and dated after your wedding. If you`re married, you`re married. There is no way to go back the clock after you are already married and get a prenup or even an appointment back a prenup. It would be illegal under Indonesian law! The harsh reality is that the courts tend to assume that a prenup is still valid, but they have the opposite reaction to the prenupe back. In most cases, this type of agreement is not valid. The application for registration of the post-nup agreement may be submitted by the husband and/or wife. However, if the man and/or woman are absent/or the woman are absent/ or the power of attorney used can be given to a third party.
The post-marriage agreement is absolutely necessary for mixed couples in Indonesia to protect their property, especially for those who do not have a marriage agreement. An Indonesian spouse is excluded from owning a property if he is married to a foreigner. This means that their right to property in Indonesia could be threatened. de: Perlu diingat bahwa contoh draft ini adalah draft sederhana untuk Perjanjian Perkawinan untuk Pisah harta, saya sangat menyarankan anda untuk mendiskusikan draft ini bersama-sama den advganokat atau notaris y anda anda tunk sekum mengguna. Donasi untuk website klik di sini: Article 21 of the I ndonesian Agrarian Law states that only those with Indonesian nationality may hold title to a particular country in Indonesia.
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