Over a two-year period, IndustriALL`s subsidiaries in Turkey and Bangladesh successfully organized more than 50 subcontracting plants as part of an effective implementation program of global framework agreements. Global framework agreements are negotiated globally between trade unions and a multinational. They apply the best standards for trade union rights, health, safety and environmental practices and the quality of working principles in all of a company`s overall business activities, whether or not these standards exist in a single country. IndustriALL and Inditex, one of the world`s largest apparel distributors, have agreed to create a global trade union committee to share best practices across the industry. Christina Hajagos-Clausen, IndustriALL`s Director of Textile and Clothing Industry, said the agreements contain a wide range of provisions to improve working conditions and protect workers` rights, in particular with regard to freedom of association: more than a hundred suppliers of H-M, who employ hundreds of thousands of workers, took part in joint workshops organised by IndustriALL and the Swedish clothing company H-M to discuss the framework agreement (GFA) and its implementation. Because the IFA serves to promote the key characteristics of national models of social partnership and cooperative labour relations, they are more relevant to enterprises established in social market economies where the representation of collective interests is the basis of labour regulation and the labour market. It is therefore not surprising that the spread of ifA to transnational companies outside continental Europe has remained quite limited so far, despite recent recent initiatives such as the 2018 agreement by Uni Global Union and Brazilian banking company Banco Itaé. [3] The comprehensive framework agreement between Carrefour and THE UNI Global Union for the promotion of social dialogue and diversity and the protection of fundamental principles and rights in the workplace was signed in 2015 and renewed in 2018. It is a common commitment in which both sides express their concerns about violence against women in the private and professional sectors and their obligation to reduce it (Carrefour-UNI Global Union, 2015, paragraph 3.3.4). The agreement also endorses the statement of the European Consultation and Information Committee (CICE) on the fight against violence against women, which recommends that five measures be adopted: information and education to raise awareness and detect cases; Internal and external communication Setting up a network with external actors; Tracking and monitoring the victim Repair and measures (Carrefour-UNI Global Union, 2015, Appendix 3).
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