However, this situation was created by the inclusion of section 238 in this legislation, which gives Fair Work Australia (FWA) the power to issue a „Scope Order“ on the application of an employee bargaining representative or an employer involved in negotiating an enterprise agreement. As such, it is one of the three most important means of enabling the FWA to exercise some kind of mandatory control over the negotiation process itself. (The other two such means are „majority support provisions“ and „bargaining orders.“) At the reheed of the initial applications, Full Bench granted ASSE`s request to grant scope for an enterprise agreement involving both operators and technicians and rejected the employer`s request. The Commission was satisfied that there had been some unfairness in the negotiation process and that the group of workers proposed by NUW had been chosen fairly. However, given the circumstances of the negotiations with NUW and TWU, the Commission was unable to convince that the allocation of the enforcement order would make the conduct of the negotiations fairer or more effective. As a result, the Board rejected a far-reaching decision. The Commission found that Cimeco`s practice was to send staff from one site to another and found that Cimeco wanted to operate both on site and geographically. In light of Cimeco`s history and practices, as well as its practices and practices in the construction of resource projects, the Commission considered that Cimeco should enter into a geographical agreement so that this group could be considered fair. The Commission rejected the application for approval of the agreement at first instance. The Commission found that this is not the only reason why it is alleged that some of the transport workers or their union might have different priorities than other ALDI or other unions involved in the negotiation process, or that these workers could have worked better in the negotiations of a separate agreement, not only justify the conclusion that the group of workers was not chosen fairly or that the selection has led to an erosion of collective bargaining.
Agreements approved. If the proposed agreement does not cover all workers of the employer (or employer), the Commission must, when deciding whether the group of workers covered by the agreement has been chosen fairly, take into account the geographical, operational or organisational separation of the group. The Court held that in specifying whether a group of workers had been chosen fairly, „the question is whether the parties who entered into the agreement acted fairly in selecting those workers covered by the agreement. The issue of electoral fairness arises because workers who are „chosen“ to be covered by the agreement are ex hypothesis on the whole better placed than workers who have not been „chosen“ to be covered by the agreement. A bargaining representative cannot apply when only one employer`s authorization of interest is in effect under the proposed enterprise agreement. A bargaining enterprise agreement (EBA) is a legally binding agreement between managers and workers, negotiated by union members. Last July, HaCSU began consultations with members on a possible multi-employer agreement representing more than 35 disability employers.
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