Individual storage devices can be broken or lost, but HiDrive online storage keeps your data totally secure. Permanent, safe data archiving and backup facilities safeguard against viruses or hardware problems, ensuring your files are protected at all times. This article deals with the backup and restoration of MySQL databases: Since the size of the backup file may not exceed 2048 KB when restoring through phpMyAdmin, customers without SSH access reach their limits. Software solutions like mysqldumper or the BackupDB tool can help here. Mysqldumper can temporarily save the backup status before reaching the size and/or time restriction and continue to record after an automatic restart. Normally, you can leave the rest of the presets. Compression is a good idea for a larger database. By clicking on the OK button, your database backup will be offered for download. After this, click on the Search..“ (1) button, so that you can select the backup file that you want to use for the restore. After you have selected the file, click on the Upload file , button on the right next to it so that the file is uploaded to the system. Wie Sie sich nach der Download der Sicherungskopie per FTP mit Ihrem Webspeicherplatz verbinden, um die Daten wieder hochzuladen, beschreiben wir Ihnen hier: Die Skripte, die vor dem Backup ausgeführt werden sollen, müssen im Verzeichnis /etc/vzbackup/prescript/ auf Ihrem virtuellen Server hinterlegt werden. # Sollen die Sicherungen auf einen entfernten Backup-Server kopiert werden? remotebackup = 0 HiDrive cloud storage creates comprehensive backup for your information.
The archive function allows you to recover anything that gets deleted by accident, safeguarding your files against any mishaps. Now click on the left side in the menu on the option Restore (1) and then on the Files from other programs (2) link. Dadurch haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit die soeben hochgeladene Sicherungsdatei auszuwählen, in dem Sie vor dem Dateinamen dateiname.sql (3) einen Punkt setzten. Abschließend klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Wiederherstellen (4). Now the next dialog window asks you to confirm that the content of the backup file should be restored with the selected database. During the last step before restoration, you now have the option of selecting the coding of the backup file (1) ,if you did not use standard coding. Finally, you can start the restoration by pressing the Restore (2) button. In the following image, you will see an active restoration process from a backup file. Once the restoration process is complete, the program will congratulate you and you will receive information that the database was completely restored. Subsequently, please select Search in order to select your locally saved database backup. Then click on OK, in order to start the import. After a few seconds, it will show you that the database was successfully restored.
This can be seen through the output: The import was completed successfully.. Melden Sie sich an Ihrem Server als Benutzer „root“ an. Wählen Sie einfach einen der letzten Sicherungsstände aus und der V-Server wird dann wieder in den Zustand versetzt, in dem er sich zum Zeitpunkt der Sicherung befand. So wird Datensicherung zum Kinderspiel. Do you need professional images for your website or shop? Let Mister Clipping isolate your images from their background (using clipping paths or masks), crop, resize, and retouch images with ease. Sofern Sie mit Putty, Cron-Jobs und vi nicht zurechtkommen, haben Sie alternativ die Möglichkeit, in der Admin-Oberfläche ServerAdmin 24 unter dem Menuepunkt System einen Magic-Button anzulegen und so das Backup manuell und einfach auszuführen Die Kapazitätsangabe erfolgt in Megabyte. Löschen Sie, wenn möglich, nicht mehr benötigte Dateien. Special offer to STRATO customers: In co-operation with bookatonce, STRATO offers its customers a low-cost solution to start renting their rooms online. After registering with bookatonce, STRATO customers are offered a special package* containing powerful tools for online rental and everything you need to manage bookings as well as room and customer data.
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